Our clinic utilizes the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) as a screening tool to evaluate patients and identify key areas of movement dysfunction that may be creating pain and imbalance. The SFMA utilizes a series of 7 full body movement tests such as squatting and bending that are used to assess an individuals ability to complete specific movements. When movement is impaired in the human body we will develop compensation patterns and muscle imbalance, both of which lead to chronic injuries, repetitive stress disorders, sprains/strains, and pain.
Unfortunately, pain is a very poor indicator of a persons health status and is often times the last symptom to show. Movement dysfunction and muscle imbalance can progress for years before they truly become evident in our day to day lives. By utilizing the SFMA, we can effectively evaluate total body movement and devise an appropriate course of treatment.
FAKTR-PM stands for Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation, Provocation and Motion. This treatment focuses on treatment of soft tissue (muscle, ligament, tendon, fascia) injuries through ranges of motion that are painful or provoke the injury. Many times, injuries may go dormant for years before resurfacing later in life due to repetitive stress, poor posture, lack of movement, or irritation through exercise.
The goal of FAKTR treatment is to assist in normal and adequate tissue healing through stimulation of the tissue through a full range of motion. The Doctor may also use weighted or resistance exercises to fully stress the tissues under maximal tension to assist in complete tissue treatment. Visits are typically 15-30 minutes long and the patient is recommended to wear athletic clothing for ease of movement. FAKTR PM may be a successful treatment for all musculoskeletal conditions ranging from sprains, strains, bruises, scars, athletic injuries, repetitive stress injuries, postural imbalance, and many other bodily injuries.
This treatment was recently developed and has been extremely successful in management and reduction of scar tissue and muscle or fascial irritation. The Doctor may use this treatment in conjunction with other manual therapy techniques such as myofascial release, kinesiotaping, manipulation, and rehabilitation to aid in your healing process.
Dr. Dan believes in taking the quickest route towards healing individuals, as opposed to long, drawn out treatment plans lasting years. In certain cases Dr. Dan may pair chiropractic adjustments with different forms of soft tissue therapy which will help to increase the healing cascade. Myotherapy is just that, a combination of different soft tissue techniques that help to increase activities such as circulation, lymphatic drainage, range of motion, and decrease things such tightness, soreness, and most importantly pain. Dr. Dan has taken numerous classes on various soft tissue treatments, including but not limited to, Graston Technique, FAKTR-PM, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy. The main forms of soft tissue treatment are either hands only, or IASTM (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization). Both treatments function by breaking up fibrous adhesion’s and scar tissue that can either be formed by micro trauma (repetitive stress injuries) or macro trauma (single accident). When normal healthy muscle, ligament or tendon tissue loses its normal integrity (stretch, composition, contractility) it is said to become ‘dysfunctional’. This dysfunctional tissue can create a whole host of other problems leading to joint problems, pain, tissue breakdown, and mobility/movement pattern disorders.